Message from the CEO

GRI 102-12, 102-14

Adespite the challenges the pandemic continued to pose in 2021, we closed another year with strong results and taking important steps towards our journey of offering what is best in the world of medicine.

The increase in vaccination rate coupled with the drop in the number of admitted Covid-19 patients enabled us to resume elective procedures, such as surgeries and treatments, which reached a record level and led to an average bed occupancy rate in line with our historical.

We also recorded a significant growth in the oncology infusion segment, which encourages us to keep on making investments to offer the market’s best treatment options.

It has been an unprecedented year in terms of investments, totaling R$5.6 billion, of which R$3.6 billion refer to acquisitions, R$400 million to the maintenance of our activities and R$1.6 billion to organic projects that, when completed, will generate almost 50,000 definite job positions.

The results achieved give us a lot to celebrate, and we remain prepared to go further in the pursuit to consolidate our leadership in the industry as well as the social and environmental sustainability of our business.

Paulo Junqueira Moll
CEO Rede D’Or São Luiz

5.6 billion invested

of which R$3.6 billion in acquisitions, R$1.6 billion in expansion projects and R$400 million in our activities’ maintenance.

We currently have 43 projects under development, including new hospitals and the expansion of Units already in operation.

The beginning of 2022 marks the opening of Maternidade São Luiz Star and the expansion of Hospital SinoBrasileiro, which is now named São Luiz Osasco. For early 2023, we expect to deliver the new tower of the São Luiz Itaim/Vila Nova Star Complex, in São Paulo.

Located in a new 36,000-meter area, with 173 beds, 24 floors and 4 underground levels, Maternidade Star will follow the standards of the other Star units, combining the tradition of São Luiz and the customized medicine concept, less invasive procedures, maximum clinical safety and premium hospitality services. Relying on medical and assistance teams qualified for high complexity services, Maternidade São Luiz Star has all that is necessary to ensure a unique experience to the families.

In a similar fashion, the new São Luiz Osasco hospital has a 22,000-square-meter area and 296 beds, 90 more than its previous capacity, in addition to a larger area for emergency care, diagnosis labs and a new hemodynamics. Smart systems for efficient water and energy use complement this project.

Considering the acquisition of other four Units completed in yearly 2022 – Hospital Aeroporto, in Lauro de Freitas (BA); Hospital Santa Isabel, in the capital of the state of São Paulo; Hospital Arthur Ramos, in Maceió (AL) and Santa Marina in Campo Grande (MS) – they add 768 new beds to Rede D’Or São Luiz’s total capacity of 10,618 beds.

Front HNSN,João Pessoas (PB)

We acquired 12 units in 2021, all of which have been completed*: Antônio Afonso (Jacareí/SP), Central de Guaianases (São Paulo/SP), Balbino (Rio de Janeiro/ RJ), América Mauá (Mauá/SP), Serra Mayor (São Paulo/SP), Biocor (Belo Horizonte/MG), Proncor (Campo Grande/ MS), Santa Emília (Feira de Santana/ BA), OrthoService (São José dos Campos/SP), Nossa Senhora das Neves and Clim Hospital (João Pessoa/PB) and Novo Atibaia (Atibaia/SP).

(*) units are listed in chronological order of acquisition completion.



beds opened to SUS

R$ 300,000

donated in equipment, infrastructure and services

donations represent


of Rede D’Or São Luiz’s profits

Psychological support, structure and inputs adequate to our almost



In number of hospitals, we reached 64 units (own and in operation) and other 3 units under management. We are present in 11 states and the Federal District.

Given such significant growth, it is important to emphasize our commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters as part of our long-term strategic plan, geared towards the sustainability of our business, the industry as well as the country.

In this sense, we devoted considerable efforts to fighting Covid-19. In addition to providing high-quality services to hundreds of thousands of patients, we sponsored the opening of more than 1,300 beds to Brazilian public health system (SUS) and donated over R$300 million in equipment, infrastructure and services.

For comparison purposes, we are among the 10 Brazilian companies that donated the most in absolute terms and the one with the largest donation compared to its profit (48% of the total). At the same time, we channeled our efforts to provide mental health support, adequate infrastructure and supplies to our almost 70,000 employees, who fought this battle with courage and competence.

We increased our investments in scientific research has more than 1.7 thousand studies published internationally and is one of Brazil’s leaders in the development of research in neurology, oncology and cardiology, among others.

Regarding investments in environmental protection, we continued the transition to clean energies, with significant efficiency gains. We currently have 32 hospitals that purchases their energy from the Wholesale Energy Market, which means a little less than half of our units. During 2022, we will make the transition of four more hospital units. At the same time, we are also taking stock of our greenhouse gas emissions at 78 business units, which means 78% of our hospitals, making them publicly available. By the end of 2020, we became signatories of UN’s Global Compact, contributing to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Another important step was committing to the Race to Zero campaign, which aims to zero net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

(*) units are listed in chronological order of acquisition completion.

It is crucial to emphasize that we continue to make progress with our hospital’s accreditations, as a way to ensure safety and the progress of our service quality. In 2021, we received eight new certifications (Bangu, Real D’Or, Ribeirão Pires, São Carlos and Samer received ONA 1; and DF Star, São Luiz Anália Franco and São Luiz Morumbi received their first certification by the Joint Commission International - JCI).

Moreover, we received 10 recertifications (4 by ONA – Niterói D’Or, Oeste D’Or, Assunção and Esperança Olinda; 5 by Qmentum – Barra D’Or, Quinta D’Or, Aliança, ViValle and Brasil; and 1 by JCI – Memorial São José) and two units were upgraded from ONA 2 to ONA 3 – São Luiz São Caetano and Bartira.

Our investments in service quality, excellent medical staff, technology and safety allowed us to maintain our NPS in line with 2020 results, especially for the assessment of appointment and exam scheduling, showcasing our capacity to grow with high-quality standards.

It is also important to note the progress of our digital channels, as a way to attract new customers and obtain loyalty from the current ones. One third of appointments and exams at Rede D’Or are scheduled through these channels. We recorded 200 million visits to the internet portal in 2021, versus 9 million in 2020. On social media, we consolidated our profiles’ performance, reaching a high engagement level and strengthening Rede D’Or’s role as a benchmark in health and prevention.

The results achieved give us a lot to celebrate, and we remain prepared to go further in the pursuit to consolidate our leadership in the industry as well as the social and environmental sustainability of our business. We are one of Brazil’s largest employers and our investments are increasing every year.

I would like to thank all of Rede D’Or’s employees for their relentless dedication to bring excellence to our patients. We have even greater expectations for 2022 and are already excited to come back here to share all the achievements and advancements that are yet to come.

Good reading!

Hospital Niterói D'Or
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