SDG and 2030 Agenda

GRI 102-13

At Rede D’Or São Luiz, we understand our part in mitigating and contributing to solve major social and environmental problems of the contemporary world. Therefore, we have implemented a methodology to comply with the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

Based on a Materiality matrix prepared in 2020 (see more in Materiality Process), we have defined the priority SDG for our operation. We are committed to the Global Compact principles and the 2030 Agenda, comprising 17 SDGs, which make up the most comprehensive process in the United Nation’s history and is geared towards steer the world on a more sustainable path.

Rede D’ Or São Luiz committed to directly contribute to reach 9 of the 17 SDG, but indirectly supports and contributes to reach all of them.

UN's 2030 Agenda

Rede D’ Or São Luiz strives to continually improve its social and environmental management in order to achieve its commitments to the Global Compact and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

The main ESG indicators related to material aspects identified in our matrix are annually monitored along with other aspects considered important to our business. We monitor on a monthly basis and report yearly, in the Sustainability Report, the equivalent to 60 economic, social and environmental indicators with external assurance. The independent assurance demonstrates the company’s commitment to transparent and high-quality information as disclosed to all direct and indirect stakeholders.

Moreover, we rely on an indicators platform, the Resource Advisor (Schneider Electric) hired in 2021 for environmental indicators, including those in line with the Sustainable Development Goals, e.g., SDG 13 (Climate Change) and SDG 6 (Energy) and GHG emissions trends, given Rede D’Or São Luiz D’Or São Luiz’s organic growth. Social indicators are monitored and controlled by systems such as Protheus 12 and other tools.

By the end of 2021, to display the Company’s commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals and bring its stakeholders along this important development agenda, as well as present the goals aimed at priority SDG, we developed D’Or’s SDG Program. This program will be submitted to the Senior Management’s approval and its targets will be reported in the next report.

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