Social and relationship capital

At Rede D’Or São Luiz, we believe in a transparent and positive relationship with our stakeholders as a way to contributed to building a better country. In 2021, we continued with our purpose of investing in initiatives that can add to promoting our patient’s health and illness prevention and, in a broader sense, of the communities impacted by our operation.

In the midst of the pandemic and the extensive use of digital tools, one of our concerns is ensuring our applications’ accessibility to all stakeholders. Since 2018, we have been following the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) for most of items whose conformance was rated A and AA, ensuring an average score of 79% of accessibility for our tools

Disease prevention and health promotion

GRI 103-2, 103-3

Aware of our role as a benchmark in health care and engaged in health promotion, which includes not only treating diseases but also preventing them, in 2021 we kept on conducting several public awareness campaigns.

In our official channels, including Spotify, which was launched in 2021, we address topics like heart health, urology, orthopedics, pink October (women’s health), yellow September (mental health), blue November (men’s health), hand sanitization, breastfeeding, among other campaigns to encourage vaccination and provide information about the use of masks.

Our culture – relationships

The way we develop our relationship with our stakeholders, especially our patients, reflects everything we believe at Rede D’Or São Luiz. We build our relationships with a strategic look at every stakeholder, making sure all these relationships combined are the underpinning of our business’ fine performance. This allow us to provide our patients, who are the real reason for our existence, with the best medical, lab and hospital care, as well state-of-the- art technology and research and first- tier supplies available at our units.

At Rede D’Or São Luiz we have adopted a people (patient)- focused care, a human and welcoming treatment method that treats the patient as a whole person. In other words, it is not only the symptoms and diseases that matter, but also the emotional, psychological factors and the bond between patient and physician/medical team. Our employees are trained to offer the best health care solutions and to provide physical and emotional comfort at our hospitals.

In line with our guidelines, since 2018, we have led the movement “What matters to you?”, in which employees offer their compassion and empathy in a patient-focused care coupled with a safe assistance that includes favorable outcomes to the customer experience. Our purpose is that our employees are engaged in putting themselves on the patient’s shoes, by encouraging conversations with the patients and their families to understand what really matters.

In 2021, 2.4 million patients/day1 received care in the entire Rede D’Or São Luiz network. To ensure good management of our service structure, which is the core of our excellent care, we are supported by one of our companies – Gestão Total da Saúde (GTS). It is our partnership that offers Primary Care, Outpatient and High Complexity Medical Attention, Hospital Care, scheduling of appointments, complementary exams, outpatient and hospital procedures and their regulation. We believe that high-quality services in the patient’s full experience positively impacts value generation for the entire chain: us, health care carriers (who sell health insurance) and the employer (who subsidizes the health benefits for their employees).

¹Refer to admissions and do not include visits for exams, infusions, emergencies, among other

GRI 103-2, 103-3

Quality of Care is one of Rede D’Or São Luiz’s strategic pillars. An exclusive Quality department is responsible for the program that fosters good care practices that lead to our excellent services. The department’s main activities include: document control, process mapping, risk management, management by results, audits and technical visits, monitoring of certifications, integration of new units, fostering of patient-focused care practices, quality showcases, benchmarking encouragement, assistance practices and professional development.



received care at Rede D'Or São Luiz, in 2021

Since our inception, we have sought to provide fully integrated care services to customers and the medical community. Especially over the past 3 years, we have taken important steps towards this goal. We have invested in a robust outpatient network and a reach to achieve our care services goals with high quality, from the least to the most complex procedures. Health care professionals know that they can count on the best medicine for their patients, speed in diagnosis and a quick start to treatment, avoiding complications.

With a distinguished medical staff, multidisciplinary teams that support the patient follow-ups in the doctor’s office and skillful heads of medicine fields who are experienced and recognized by their peers and medical societies, we have developed care lines geared towards patients with pathologies that are difficult to diagnose. We focus on chronic and/or complex diseases which can cause permanent disabilities if not treated properly. Some of them can be controlled but require continual care for a long period of time or will lead patients several times to the emergency room.

We have developed adequate flows to accommodate and monitor these patients, protocols for a fast and assertive diagnosis and to begin treatment as soon as possible. Without losing focus, we have started with the main lines in terms of volume and complexity, i.e., cardiology and oncology. We have then moved on to nephrology, i.e., Patients with chronic kidney diseases, next onto gastroenterology, which is focused on treating disabling inflammatory bowel diseases and, most recently, rheumatology.

And we are not stopping there. With this same excellence, we will embrace other customers and new care lines. We have already begun to design monitoring programs for pneumology and hepatology patients as well. Our purpose remains the same: to provide the best outcome to our patients: less complications, therefore reducing the socioeconomic costs for families and beyond family members.

Moreover, we have also defined the long-term monitoring for patients with SARS-CoV 2 (Covid-19) infection sequels through the collaboration of Rede D’ Or São Luiz’s specialists, in several Brazilian regions, who accepted and treated these patients during the pandemic.

In 2022, we will make further advancements in the care of these challenging diseases, which are difficult to clinically manage, have high mortality rates and functional limitations. We will continue to integrate hospital units in an effective Health Network, making it easier for patients to access excellent professionals, diagnosis and therapeutic resources, in addition to standardizing the corporate metrics of care quality and the quality perceived by the entire cycle.

Critical success factors for Rede D’Or São Luiz’s care lines are:




well defined Regional Centers with units rated as “welcoming” and “attentive;”


with nurses who follow the patient’s entire health track record, since the first doctor’s appointment and support them through the entire treatment, ensuring the adhesion and success of the established therapeutics;


based on the main national and international frameworks;


Adoption of the patient’s single Medical Record, in line with safety rules for information record and flow, according to the Brazilian General Data Protection Act.

Ensuring our patients’ safety is crucial. Therefore, we constantly invest in maintaining procedures, fostering a safe environment with integrated care and encouraging the multidisciplinary collaboration for problem solving.

In order to ensure that our guidelines are complied with, we hold periodic technical visits to the units to assess patient safety procedures and standards of management excellence. We evaluate the compliance with Rede D'Or São Luiz Care Practice Manual and the hospitals’ status regarding the accreditation standards of that unit is required to prepare an action plan for improvements.

At the end of each technical visit, a report is prepared with a score for the compliance with safety criteria and the unit is required to prepare an action plan for improvements.

In 2021, we held 59 technical visits to 52 units to assess our units’ safety, conducted remotely or on a hybrid model, without compromising the quality of the evaluation. The NPS1 for units receiving technical visits came to 77. Clinical audits, which have also been formatted to the hybrid mode, encompassed 48 hospitals, 3,720 patients in the safe identification goal, 1,098 patients in the safe surgery goal and 1,777 antibiotic prophylaxis patients.

Since 2014, we have been using the Health Care Research Quality (AHRQ) tool to evaluate employee safety perception on teamwork, leaderships, management support, continuous improvement, feedback and communication at every Rede D’Or São Luiz hospital.

12 safety dimensions are evaluated in a total of 42 questions. The purpose is to internally assess safety culture perception, which encompasses a set of values, attitudes, skills and behaviors that determine the commitment to health and safety management, replacing guilt and punishment for the opportunity to learn from one’s mistakes and to improve health care.

In 2021, all units met the estimated sample (with 2% of sample error) and we received 42,650 answers, from 55 participating hospitals.

In times of world crisis, we believe that institutions that rely on good, consolidated practices and a safety culture achieved based on well spread routines and in the long term have a greater possibility of achieving good results.

The overall score for patient safety was deemed excellent or very good by 69% of participants.

Strengths 2021 Results
The hospital management provides a work environment that fosters patient safety 84%
The hospital management’s initiatives show that patient safety is a priority 83%
Hospital units work well together to provide the best care to their patients 76%
When there is a lot of work to be done fast, we work together as a team to complete the task 80%
At this unit, people are treated with respect 83%
We actively seek improvements to patient safety 91%
Mistakes led to positive changes in this unit 75%
When we make changes to improve patient safety, we assess their effectiveness 79%
My supervisor/department head (DOES NOT) ignore recurring patient safety issues 87%

To celebrate the World Patient Safety Day, on September 17, we held the “Safety Ambassador” award at Rede D’Or São Luiz. Every year, we recognize professionals who stand out on occupational and patient safety matters at our hospital units.

The 10 most voted professionals in each hospital received a certificate of recognition and an armband to be worn during the year to encourage and strengthen the employees’ pursuit of safe practices. In 2021, 48 hospitals participated, with 12,522 votes and 423 ambassadors elected, who were recognized by 32 physicians. We understand that medical staff engagement and commitment is an advantage of Rede D’Or São Luiz’s management model.

Listening to our customers and other stakeholders is part of our growth path and an important indicator of whether we are on the right path and the sensitive issues that require our attention.

Through our Ombudsman Channel, created to receive suggestions, requests, complaints as well as compliments, we received 76,000 reports in 2021, of which 66% were complaints, 18% information requests, 17% compliments and 1% suggestions and inquiries. The most important channels are the Contact us (45%) followed by phone calls (40%). Complaints are addressed within 1, 3 or 5 business days, depending on the situation’s priority ranking.

In another front, all clients receive a satisfaction survey on the day after receiving care at our units. In 2021, 557,000 surveys were answered. SADT services had a NPS of 74, while our Medical Centers recorded a score of 73. As regards the Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) evaluation, we have continued to improve results, showing growth each year: 75% in 2021, 74% in 2020 and 68% in 2019.

Lastly, we have also monitored Google My Business. In 2021, 48% of monitored units received an evaluation of four or higher.

As far as Rede D’Or São Luiz is concerned, client demands received through said channels are opportunities to improve our business. Multidisciplinary improvement committees at all units are responsible for analyzing the units/departments’ performance, giving basis for improvement actions.

On our path to offer excellence and the best customer experience ever, we highlight the CopaStar hospitals, which since their creation have had an excellent Net Promoter Score (NPS) performance, above 90; in 2021 general NPS was 91, admittance NPS was 92, while SADT was 95 and emergency care at 88.

GRI 102-44

All this work done has led us to be awarded in 2021. We were recognized by the MESC Institute as one of the best companies in terms of customer satisfaction; we received the Customer Experience Award by CX Summit and were finalists of the ReclameAqui award. Hospital São Luiz Itaim received the RA1000 seal and the best 2021 score among all hospitals included in the portal.

All our clients receive a satisfaction survey on the day after receiving care at our units. In 2021, 557,000 surveys were answered. SADT services had a NPS of 74, while our Medical Centers recorded a score of 73.


Reaching 90% customer satisfaction rate in 2022;

Reaching NPS excellence for all hospitals by 2030;

Human Rights

GRI 410-1, 412-2

At Rede D’ Or São Luiz we are committed to respecting human rights of all our employees, medical staff, patients, suppliers, third parties and society. In 2021, we published our Human Rights Policy, applicable to all our business units. The document is in line with guidelines already in effect at Rede D’Or São Luiz, such as the Code of Conduct, Anti-Corruption Policy, Environmental Policy, Sustainability Policy and the Social Responsibility Policy. Said document is based on international human rights related frameworks, such as UN’s Global Compact, of which we are signatories since 2020.

Human rights topics are embedded in our entire operation. In the relationship with suppliers, all service agreements have special clauses on respect for the environment and fighting slavery and child labor. In regard to our employees, we rely on the Code of Conduct, which ensures rights in fighting moral and sexual harassment and provides a safe and independent whistleblowing channel. We have also invested heavily in initiatives that foster Diversity and Inclusion, fighting hard any type of discrimination. In 2021, 2,550 professionals received training on the topic, including own and outsourced employees, accounting for 100% of the staff.

"Uma canção para motivar” campaign (Hospital viValle)

Aware of how stressful the battle the institution’s employees have fought during the pandemic was, Hospital viValle organized the campaign “Uma Canção para Motivar” (“A song to encourage”) in May 2021.

Snippets of inspiring and special songs were written on the Hospital’s entrance hall, on records in the hallways and in the cafeteria, which was the main stage for this initiative. We put decals on the cafeteria windows where employees could write messages and lyrics, while listening to the songs that were played on speaker boxes. The initiative has reached almost 100% of Hospital viValle’s 1,300 own and outsourced employees, in the São José dos Campos region (SP).

In order to disseminate and consolidate these practices among our employees, we have offered several training programs that address human rights related topics, and 2,550 professionals received training on the topic. We denote the launch of a Distance Learning course on Diversity and Inclusion and a webinar in partnership with Ethos Institute on citizenship, social rights and responsibility.

A perception survey that allowed us to understand how third parties respond to adverse situations as well as check for possible breaches are some of the mechanisms adopted by the Risks and Internal Controls Office to prevent and mitigate the negative impacts regarding the respect to Human Rights from hired security service providers. GRI 410-1


from hired security service providers received training on human rights.


GRI 102-9

At Rede D’Or São Luiz, we develop our relationship with our suppliers through an Integrated Supply Chain, which encompasses Demand Planning, Procurement of Direct Supplies, Procurement of Indirect Supplies and Logistics. In order to ensure technical and assistance quality, safety, lawfulness, competitive and economically feasible commercial conditions to all hospitals, we continuously monitor potential risks to our business. A technical committee, comprised by the heads of the supplies, medical and pharmacy departments, assesses the suppliers as well as supplies strategies. As a result of this strict risk assessment, we did not receive any court or administrative penalties related to the supply chain over the past 3 years.

GRI 307-1, 419-1

Rede D’Or São Luiz’s main criteria to choose suppliers are currently cost, quality and level of service, through the gradual incorporation of sustainability practices. Supplier registration processes, both for products and services, according to the risk level set forth by the company, go through a Compliance evaluation (integrity due diligence), in order to minimize risks.

GRI 412-3

In 2021, we engaged our suppliers on ESG topics in a broader way, including an active pursuit of best practices on environmental, social and governance topics. We created an in-house work group with the Corporate Service, Sustainability and Compliance teams to map potential risks in each procurement categories. Geared towards identifying the social, environmental and governance impacts of our supply chain, as well as in the history of events in the market, these risks have been mapped based on the main Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) guidelines.

Therefore, we created a pilot assessment process for our commercial partners that allows us to verify social, environmental and governance risks. A self-declaratory questionnaire with 41 items, divided into the 3 ESG topics, is sent to our suppliers, along with a guidance manual for the answers.

In October, we held an Awareness Raising Workshop in two editions, one for employees (Procurement managers, supervisors and coordinators) and other for suppliers. At both events, we presented the overall concepts required to understand ESG management and made a brief presentation on the differential, in terms of risks and opportunities related to the topic. Then, we presented the method proposed for the supply chain assessment, in order to gradually introduce social and environmental matters.

The target audience of the first assessment of suppliers regarding good ESG practices prioritized by the Company included direct supply distributors (medication, hospital disposable supplies, clothing (PPE), asepsis and nutrition) and indirect suppliers (providers of food and catering, reception and surveillance and waste management services).

In the initial sample of the pilot ESG assessment, 55% suppliers answered. We developed a methodology based on the results of the pilot assessment, which will be adopted by the Company in 2022. We will hold informative and awareness-raising forums with our Supply Chain before beginning the first official ESG Assessment. The outcomes will be used as grounds to prepare action and monitoring plans through corporate regulation departments, supported by the Sustainability and Procurement teams.

As for the monitoring of social and environmental compliance, we have been relying on a well-consolidated model for waste management for many years, which is the most critical category from the environmental point of view.

The Waste Management (Corporate Sustainability) regulation department supported by the indirect supplies and licenses department, analyzes the specific technical documents for each contract type. After the supplier has been approved, the Sustainability department conducts annual in loco monitoring audits. In 2021, due to the pandemic, we have limited in-person external audits for BID.


Purchasing linens made with Eco Pet technology, which uses polyester from PET bottles, is a reality at Rede D’Or São Luiz. Since 2020, through the acquisition of private sets with a mix of recycled polyester fiber, the company has avoided the dumping of around 26,380 thousand PET bottles in the environment, of which 10,580 were in 2021 alone, and contributed to the creation of jobs and income for families whose income source is recycling.

This initiative reinforces the role and contribution of the Indirect Supplies department, which is relentlessly pursuing better practices and innovation, understanding the importance and responsibility of our choices before the market. The initiative also contributes to build and ground Rede D’Or São Luiz’s sustainable procurement processes. In addition to strengthening ecologic awareness and social and environmental responsibility, the fabric also offers more resistance and durability.

At Rede D’Or São Luiz we understand that the physicians are one of our main clients. They bring the technical quality offered to our customers and the humanization we need in the hospital environment. With this view, we seek to build an area that can support physicians in their daily routine at national level, further recognizing this stakeholder’s importance to the company.

In 2021, we implemented the Doctors’ Relationship department geared towards standardizing initiatives and processes, as well as gaining synergy in the exchange of good practices between our hospital units. We have divided the department in three structural levels and performed an individual study of each hospital’s needs regarding the project. The database and mailing have been integrated at national level and we have created a discussion channel with the entire operation, standardizing documents for physician registration at the company and the rules for the units’ medical staff.

By efficiently promoting our services and investing in technology, Rede D’ Or São Luiz offers physicians tools so that they can provide the best care, encouraging the exchange of good medical practices through case discussions, symposiums and events. Said initiatives give us the opportunity to work even more connectedly with the support of exclusive communication channels developed in partnership with the Digital Transformation department.

The Doctors’ Relationship department was implemented in order to standardize initiatives and processes, as well as gaining synergy in the exchange of good practices between our hospital units. We have divided the department in three structural levels and performed an individual study of each hospital’s needs regarding the project.

Relationship with journalists is conducted by the press advisory office, which is responsible for developing and putting into practice a strategic planning with the purpose of creating visibility for Rede D’Or São Luiz in Brazil’s main communication vehicles. It is important to strengthen the brand among influencers, as well as the target audience, emphasizing Rede D’Or São Luiz as a benchmark in the industry.

The initiative includes developing and keeping a healthy relationship with journalists, thus creating opportunities to spawn spontaneous media that highlights positive pieces on new investments, technologies, treatments, patient’s inspirational stories, among other examples. Thus, we build a good image and reputation which also backs us in times of crisis.

The relationship with the press is also important to position Rede D’Or São Luiz’s professionals as sources in matters that are relevant to the company. A scenario that could be seen throughout the pandemic, with frequent interviews with infectious disease specialists, intensive care physicians and cardiologists, among others, for important media vehicles.

Having a transparent, timely and equal dialog with our investors and the entire capital markets community is fundamental for us at Rede D’Or São Luiz. The Investor Relations (IR) department is mainly responsible for safeguarding and feeding this ongoing information flow related to the Company’s activities and its results. Following the best corporate governance, the IR team coordinates Rede D’Or São Luiz’s earnings release and results conference calls on a quarterly basis. Presently, our main executive officers, including the CEO and the CFO, provide comments on Rede D’Or São Luiz’s operational and financial performance. Furthermore, all of the Company’s public documents related to the development and monitoring of its business, as well as every and any material information that influence our investors and potential investors decision-making is disclosed and kept on the Investor Relations website.

The performance of the Investor Relations department, however, is not limited to being a one-way path, where information flows only from the Company to the outside. In addition to caring for transparency towards the capital markets and regulatory agencies, the Investor Relations department, through an ongoing interaction with the financial community, is committed to keeping Rede D’Or São Luiz’s executives informed about the desires, concerns and suggestions of our shareholders and other stakeholders.

Following the best corporate governance, the IR team coordinates Rede D’Or São Luiz’s earnings release and results conference calls on a quarterly basis.

A Rede Rede D’ Or São Luiz has important communication channels for the engagement with internal and external stakeholders, with the purpose of creating and maintaining a transparent relationship, in line with its principles and values.
The main stakeholders are:

Stakeholders Communication tool Frequency
Stakeholders Meetings Annual/ Upon demand
Committees and Executive Board Meetings (REDIR) Weekly
Financial information Quarterly
Reports Quarterly/By-monthly
Customers/ Patients Continuous Satisfaction Survey Daily
Website - Contact Us Permanent
Social Media Permanent
Ombudsman Permanent
Media campaigns Seasonal
Information leaflets Occasional
Newsletters Occasional
Spotify Channel Occasional
Physicians Newsletters Occasional
Website - Physician’s portal Permanent
Rede D’ Or São Luiz Scientific Events Occasional
Participation in seminars and congresses Occasional
Employees Breakfast with the Management Monthly
Painel Vida - Bulletin Board Weekly
RH Informa (Newsletter)  
- WhatsApp text chain for managers (divided by unit) Daily or Weekly
- Digital HR App  
Internal Campaigns Occasional
Sustainability on focus Monthly
Ethics Channel Permanent
Researchers D’Or Institute for Research and Education Permanent
Community/ Society Website - Contact Us Occasional
Social Media - Facebook, Instagram and Twitter Monthly
Ethics Channel Weekly
Sponsorship of social projects Daily or Weekly
Ombudsman Occasional
Sustainability Report Annual
Suppliers Ombudsman Channel for conduct-related concerns Permanent
Website - Contact Us Permanent
Press Office Permanent
Press Releases Occasional

With the gradual decrease in severe Covid-19 cases, we have reduced our operation of field hospitals and focused our efforts in supporting several hospitals, such as Lar São Francisco (RJ), Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo (SP) and Hospital Federal da Lagoa (RJ), among others.

Rede D’ Or São Luiz allocated R$320 million to the entire Covid-19 operation, amount that was complemented by partners in R$ 100 million. On the same front, after the operation of field hospitals in 2020, we donated biomedical equipment amounting to over R$ 7 million to the following hospitals: Central da Polícia Militar, Universitário Clementino Fraga Filho and Universitário Pedro Ernesto.


Leblon Field Hospital


of Covid-19 patients from public hospitals, assembly and operation managed by Rede D’Or São Luizpela Rede D’Or São Luiz.


(100 ICUs/ 100 regular beds)


R$60.2 million, of which R$40.1 million donated by RDSL and R$20.1 million from sponsors such as Americanas, Safra, Bradesco and IBP.

Barra Field Hospital


of Covid-19 patients from public hospitals, assembly and operation managed by Rede D’Or São Luiz by Rede D’Or São Luiz.


(100 ICUs/ 100 regular beds)


R$61 million, of which R$18.7 million donated by RDSL and R$42.3 million from sponsors such as Qualicorp, Sulamerica, Vale, Mubadala, União Rio, Votorantim, Stone and Shell.

Hospital São Francisco da Providência de Deus
(Rio de Janeiro)


Stage 1(2020): 108 beds (28 ICUs /80 regular beds) and Stage 2 (2021): 30 UNI beds


R$7.6 million, of which R$ 100 thousand donated by RDSL and R$ 7.5 illion from sponsors such as Safra, Bradesco, Qualicorp, Sulamerica, Stone e Impar.

School Hospital of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)


of construction works to increase capacity



R$6 million invested by the sponsor União Rio.

Hospital São Marcos


by transferring one ICU ward (10 beds) to care for public health system (SUS) patients.


R$ 5.5 million, of which R$1 million donated by RDSL and R$4.5 million by sponsors such as Safra, Qualicorp and Sulamerica.

Hospital Alfa


(30 ICU beds / 116 regular beds) in 2020. In 2021, we only continued to invest in order to keep the beds operational.


R$21.8 million, of which R$11 million donated by RDSL and R$10.8 million by sponsors such as Safra, Qualicorp and Sulamerica.

Santa Casa de Misericórdia de SP


(30 ICU beds / 116 regular beds) in 2020.
In 2021, we only continued to invest in
order to keep the beds operational.


R$21.8 million, of which R$11 million
donated by RDSL and R$10.8 million
by sponsors such as Safra,
Qualicorp and Sulamerica.

Hospital das Clínicas


and support for the payment of physical therapists and physicians.


R$3.5 million, of which R$2.5 million donated by RDSL and R$1 million by Bradesco.

Butantã Institute


BRB Institute


Hospital Geral Roberto Santos



R$930 thousand donated by RDSL

GRI 103-2, 103-3, SASB: HC-DY-240a.1

At Rede D’Or São Luiz we understand the impacts generated in the regions where we operate and our power to contribute to a sustainable development. In order to contribute to a more balanced and fairer society, we rely on our Social Responsibility Policy, which lays down our commitment to fostering private social investment in these regions.

Our guidelines, laid down on the Social Responsibility Policy, also include the support and/or development of projects to provide low-income population with access to healthcare; allocation of part of our earnings to support social, educational and/ or cultural initiatives and building a reputation of excellent corporate citizenship, recognizing Rede D’Or São Luiz’s impacts in the regions where we operate and our power to contribute to the sustainable development.

In 2021, we expanded the regions where we sponsor projects and started to cover the cities of Rio de Janeiro, Duque de Caxias and Niterói (Rio de Janeiro), São Paulo, São Bernardo do Campo, Santo André, Ribeirão Pires, Osasco, São Caetano do Sul and São José dos Campos (São Paulo), Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais), Salvador (Bahia), Brasília (Federal District), Fortaleza (Ceará), Recife and Olinda (Pernambuco), Aracaju (Sergipe) and São Luís (Maranhão).

For a more effective result of our social initiatives, in partnership with Instituto da Criança, our portfolio of projects sponsored by incentive laws perform activities related to United Nation’s (UN) 2030 Agenda of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). In 2021, our projects were divided as follows:

Through IDOR, we have stimulated the discovery and development of new talents in sciences and contributed to achieve a better information level about science in our society.

FISWeek - Rede D'OR São Luiz sponsors Latin America’s major health experience

GRI 103-2, 103-3

In November 2021, Rede D’Or São Luiz sponsored #FISWEEK, three large events, 100% free of charge, which took place simultaneously in a fully virtual environment: 2021 Health Innovation Forum (#FIS21), Symetria (#SYM21) and Company Meeting (#COMMeets21).

The events have held discussions on topics like inclusion, governance, transformation, environment and impacts on Health. #SYM21 brought to the public the ESG trend which Rede D’Or São Luiz follows and applies to the best environmental, social and governance practices.

FISWeek had over 200 attendees from 15 nationalities and over 80 hours of live broadcast, with simultaneous translation into English and Spanish, interpretation to the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) and almost 25,000 registered participants.

Hospital Esperança donates books to support the Coque Public Library

The Coque Public Library is the first place where reading is fully encouraged among the Coque community, in the city of Recife (Pernambuco). Opened in 2007, the Library is the result of the engagement of several institutions, which fight to transform the reality of public policy shortcomings in the neighborhood. Currently, the library has more than 3,000 books and conducts music and handicraft workshops, as well as language and literacy classes; plus, reading sessions for children, chess lessons, meet-ups with authors, among other activities.

In order to support the institution, reinforcing its purpose of creating a positive social and environmental impact through waste reduction and reading encouragement, in 2021, Hospital Esperança organized a donation campaign of schoolbooks that employees did not use. All departments participated and 1,917 reading books for adults, youth, the elderly and children were collected.

Credit: Shilton Araújo/Esp.DP

Main Projects and Sponsorships in 2021

GRI 413-1

In order to support the communities, we sponsor several projects focused on education, childhood, adolescence and the elderly. In 2021, we highlight:

2021 Tribute Concert to Healthcare Professionals | Cultural Incentive Law

On the Brazilian Doctors’ Day, on October 18, Fundação Orquestra Sinfônica do Estado de São Paulo (State of São Paulo’s Symphonic Orchestra) had a large concert in honor of healthcare professionals. The concert’s program comprised the “Sinfonia Imaginária,” composed especially for the event, and parts of other pieces appreciated by the audience. Public authorities, representatives of entities working to fight the pandemic and healthcare professionals were invited to the event.

Luz, Câmera, Ação, Cultural 2021 | Cultural Incentive Law

Instituto Criar de TV e Cinema in the city of São Paulo (SP) offers full and free-of-charge programs in the audiovisual and technology fields. Every year, 120 youngsters produce 20 cultural products that are exhibited 4 times. Moreover, 60% of participants enter the job market. The program holds two cultural events every year for the program’s participants, their families and veterans that comprise the Comunidade Criar. The events offer visibility to and the discussion of peripheral issues.

Riachuelo Theater: 2021 annual program and assignment of space | Cultural Incentive Law

Support for the maintenance of the Riachuelo Theater, in the city of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), its permanent activities, artistic and cultural programs, in addition to social & educational activities. The program includes educational activities as well as dance, theater, music and other performances for the general public. Due to the pandemic, in 2021, part of the program was held in hybrid format and the project’s scope was reduced, with 70 performances less than what was initially approved. The project includes accessible shows and a number of free tickets reserved for social projects.

Golf as a social inclusion instrument | Sports Incentive Law

Through the Public Golf Association of Japeri (RJ), free golf lessons are offered to children and adolescents studying in public schools. The project also offers tutoring and P.E. Classes, as well as follow-up with psychologists. In addition to teaching the sport’s techniques and values, the project encourages the participants’ social integration, both in regular school activities as well as by the constant participation of students in amateur tournaments in golf clubs across the state and Brazil. With Rede D'Or São Luiz’s cash investment, the number of benefited children and adolescents in 2021 increased from 80 to 100.

Flamengo Olímpico IV – Aquatic and Artistic Sports| Sports Incentive Law

In partnership with Clube de Regatas do Flamengo, in the city of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), the project is underpinned in maintaining adequate practice conditions to the athletes, through the maintenance and hiring of a multidisciplinary technical team and the purchase of quality sports goods and equipment, upkeep of the technical and multidisciplinary teams, as well as offering a monetary aid to athletes older than 14 years old. Overall, 320 athletes benefit from the program, allowing them to participate in regional and national competitions.

Hospital de Câncer de Pernambuco | Elderly Support Incentive Law

Located in the city of Recife (PE), the institution serves the vulnerable population of that city, and the main beneficiaries are the elderly. The project is geared towards increasing the quality of oncology services provided and treatment capacity, with the expansion of oncology treatment, the opening of new operating rooms, modernization of ICU beds and implementation of a Bone Marrow Transplant service. Furthermore, funds will be used to pay for oncology treatments, purchase of supplies and strengthening clinical and outpatient assistance as well as surgery to elderly patients. The project includes the purchase of 19.5 thousand chemotherapy medicine and more than 990 thousand medical supplies to be used exclusively by the institution’s elderly patients. A benchmark in oncology treatment in the region where it operates, Hospital do Câncer de Pernambuco serves more than 10 thousand beneficiaries per year on average.

Longevity and Citizenship | Elderly Support Incentive Law

In its second edition, the project by Centro de Desenvolvimento e Cidadania (CDC in Portuguese), in the city of Olinda (PE), offers training on strategic, participative and financial management to 60 leaderships and professionals from 20 associations and organizations. During the pandemic, trainings have been offered via video classes and participants learned how to use digital management tools. The project aims to solve one of the largest problems verified by CDC in its first edition: the shortage of financial resources and technical training to ensure sustainability of activities focused on the elderly population. By the end of the training, a notice will be released to finance small-sized initiatives from participant institutions, in order to strengthen the management practices learned aiming to reinforce each institution’s purpose. The project also offers exercises, dance classes, art therapy and bioenergy to 420 elders who participate in those organizations and groups, based on the concepts of active ageing.

Recicla Vida | Incentive Law for the Statute for Children and Adolescents

Located in the city of Petrópolis (RJ), the project focuses on growth of those assisted. For the activities aimed at children and teenagers, the project partners with schools in the region in order to optimize the content seen in the classroom with after-school activities. Due to the pandemic, the activities were carried out on-line, and funds invested were mostly allocated to maintain the service offered the most vulnerable families, maintain the institution’s payroll as well as its administrative activities. Throughout 2021, the project served 56 people per month on average.

Conhecer para Transformar (Knowing to transform) | Incentive Law for the Statute of Children and Adolescents

Through Renovar Petrópolis, in the city of Petrópolis (RJ), the after-school project focuses on supporting formal learning for minors, aiming to stimulate the development of potentialities, skills, and talents through socio & educational workshops, offering an educational and playful environment. The main goal is to improve participants’ school performance, by monitoring the teaching-learning process of children and adolescents, identifying their progress and difficulties, and contributing to their permanence and participation in school. The project also identifies and offers assistance to specific needs and difficulties observed in several spheres of beneficiaries and their families’ lives, through socio & educational workshops. In 2021, 80 minors were directly benefited.

Espaço do Saber | Incentive Law for the Statute of Children and Adolescents

Project in partnership with Lar Santa Catarina, in the city of Petrópolis (RJ), to encourage reading, promote access to culture and cultural spaces, computer workshops, therapeutic and pedagogical workshops, and the provision of playful and educational materials and toys for children. We had 60 beneficiaries in 2021.

Eu Construo o Amanhã - (I Build Tomorrow) - ECA| Incentive Law for the Statute of Children and Adolescents

The project by the Municipal Commission for Community Action of the city of Petrópolis (RJ) offers children and adolescents services to strengthen family and community ties, in a way that prevents them from committing infractions, since some of them have first kinship family members who are in the prison system. For teenagers who are in juvenile detention, the project offers opportunities for personal and social development, through educational and sports activities. Classes focusing on citizenship, English language and dance are made available to 76 direct beneficiaries between 8 and 17 years old.

Pedagogia Construindo Valores | (Pedagogy Building Values) | Incentive Law for the Statute of Children and Adolescents

The Mundo Novo Institute’s project, in the city of Mesquita (RJ), aims at offer Kindergarten activities (60 students, in 4 classes) and art classes (150 students in classes divided by activities), during the after-school period. Five meals are offered throughout the day. The goal is to contribute to the full development of children and teenagers, besides offering them access to education and culture integrated to the teaching of values

Prevenir para Vencer – Prevenção às Drogas | (substance abuse prevention program) | Incentive Law for the Statute of Children and Adolescents

In partnership with Projeto C3, in the city of Petrópolis (RJ), the initiative aims to prevent and fight the use of licit and illicit substances by children and teenagers. The program is geared towards socially vulnerable people, focused on keeping those assisted away from risk situations by means of primary prevention and by encouraging sports activities. Twenty children and teenagers are directly benefited with daily support, and their families are indirectly benefited. Weekly sports classes are offered in a playful and educational way, in addition to weekly leisure practices through directed recreation, aiming at the physical, cognitive, and motor development of the participants.

Advancements in the diagnosis and treatment of women with breast cancer | Pronon Incentive Law

The focus of the project in partnership with Associação Casa Fonte da Vida, of Hospital São Francisco de Assis, in the city of Jacareí (SP), is to advance in the diagnosis and treatment of women with breast cancer, through the implementation of a digital mammography device, with less need for maintenance and up-to-date technology. With the recent acquisition of the machine (October/2021), the xpectation is to double the monthly offer of mammography exams (reaching 720 exams/year) and to offer exams during collective actions in the city, encouraging the population to seek the early diagnosis of breast cancer.

Tax incentives (R$ million)

GRI 201-1, 201-4
2019 2020 2021
Cultural Incentive Law - Rouanet Act 3.135 2.665 5.550
Cultural Incentive Law - Service Tax (ISS) 2.723 0.921 0.788
Audiovisual Incentive Law 6.279 0 1.347
Sports Incentive Law 2.357 0.479 2.090
Municipal Fund for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (FUMCAD) 1.014 N.A. N.A.
State Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (CONDECA) N.A. N.A. N.A.
Municipal Council for the Rights of Children and Adolescents (FUNCRIA) and Children and Adolescent Municipal Fund (FMIA)   -   0.479   2.090
National Elderly Support Fund 2.011 0.479 1.957
National Cancer Care Program (PRONON) 2.011 - 0.500
Total 19.530 5.023¹ 14.322

1 - Reduction due to the pandemic
2 - N.I. - Not informed

Accumulated Social & Cultural Investment R$ million (2016-2021)


R$ 75.78 million

Considers investments between 2016 and 2021


R$ 14.32 million

*With tax incentives


At Rede D’Or São Luiz, we seek the continuous improvement to offer increasingly positive impacts and service quality to our stakeholders. In terms of Social Capital, our main goals for the coming years are:

  • Use educational and health prevention videos in 100% of our Medical Centers (CEMEDs in Portuguese) for the population that visits them, as well as disclose them in companies in the region and social media by the end of 2030;
  • Promote health-related topics by means of the “health trailer,” which is adapted with consultation rooms and Diagnosis and Therapy Support Clinics (SADT in Portuguese) to carry out preventive campaigns at train and subway stations, as well as touristic locations with brand visibility by the end of 2030;
  • Participate and sponsor committees and class events to discuss topics such as diversity, child labor, types of violence, training for the first job, etc., by the end of 2025;
  • Encourage employees and physicians to participate in social initiatives, e.g.: the renovation of nursing homes, activities at orphanages or distribution/collection of food items for the surrounding communities by the end of 2025.
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